
There are 3 main components to your solar pump system, the controller, motor and pump (rotor/stator) this process will help determine which components is the cause of the issues. If you still have no luck after working through the below please contact your dealer or you can ship your product back to Waterboy Pumps for inspection.

What Light is showing on the Controller?
Is the tank full?


When the 'TANK FULL' light is on, it indicates that your tank is filled, which is a positive sign.

Please contact us if you have any more questions or need further assistance.

Damaged Switch

If the tank isn’t full, you may have a damaged tank switch or pressure switch.

What can you do?

Remove tank or pressure switch wiring from controller,
this will bypass and allow the pump to run.

*Please remove float valve on the tank if working with a pressure switch.

Is the pump running?


Since the pump is running now, the issue may have been related to the tank switch or pressure switch.

Please contact us if you have any more questions or need further assistance.


Check Cable Splice

If you still haven't had luck running the motor, as a last resort, check the cable splice by cutting the splice off on the motor side, leaving at least 1m of pump cable, and connecting it directly to the pump controller.

The splice may have been faulty and allowed water to enter the connection.

Please contact us if you have any more questions or need further assistance.

Is bore / well out of water?

When the bore/well runs dry, please stop the pump temporarily and allow time for the water to naturally replenish.

Please contact us if you have any more questions or need further assistance.

Issue with Water Probe

If water is available the Water Probe is either stuck or damaged, repair or replace probe.

Please contact us if you have any more questions or need further assistance.

Does the pump run after you have repaired or replaced the probe?


Since the pump is now running, it indicates that the issue may have been related to the water probe.

Please contact us if you have any more questions or need further assistance.

Bridge low water sensor contacts in the controller to bypass.

*Please note you will have no low water protection.

Does the pump now run after you bridged the low water sensor contacts?


Since the pump is now running, it indicates that the issue may have been related to the low water sensor.

Please contact us if you have any more questions or need further assistance.

Check Cable Splice

If you still haven't been able to run the motor, as a last resort, check the cable splice by cutting the splice off on the motor side, leaving at least 1m of pump cable, and connecting it directly to the pump controller.

The splice may have been faulty and allowed water to enter the connection.

Please contact us if you have any more questions or need further assistance.

Have you removed the pump from the bore/dam for inspection? There's a possibility that something is jammed in the pump.

Please remove the pump from the bore/dam for inspection

Inspect the pump for debris that could jam it. Clean it and run it in a bucket of water. If necessary, replace the rotor and stator.

Check the correct rotation of the motor; it will run clockwise when looking down the top of the pump outlet.

Inspect the pump for debris that could jam it. Clean it and run it in a bucket of water. If necessary, replace the rotor and stator.

Check the correct rotation of the motor; it will run clockwise when looking down the top of the pump outlet.

Does the pump run now?


Since the pump is now running, it indicates that the issue may have been related to debris possibly jamming the pump.

Please contact us if you have any more questions or need further assistance.

Check Cable Splice

If you still haven't been able to run the motor, as a last resort, check the cable splice by cutting the splice off on the motor side, leaving at least 1m of pump cable, and connecting it directly to the pump controller.

The splice may have been faulty and allowed water to enter the connection.

Please contact us if you have any more questions or need further assistance.

Have you replaced rotor & stator?

If you've replaced the rotor & stator and are still encountering ERR or LOW POWER Lights, please verify that the rotor and stator have been correctly installed.

During the replacement, also inspect the motor bearing with a spanner and run the motor for 30 seconds in a bucket of water to ensure the motor is functioning properly.

Please contact us if you have any more questions or need further assistance.

Please replace the rotor & stator

While replacing, check the motor bearing with a spanner and run the motor for 30 seconds in a bucket of water to ensure it is okay.

Does the pump run now after you replace the rotor & stator?


Since the pump is now running, it indicates that the issue may have been related to the rotor and stator.

Please contact us if you have any more questions or need further assistance.

Check Cable Splice

If you still haven't been able to run the motor, as a last resort, check the cable splice by cutting the splice off on the motor side, leaving at least 1m of pump cable, and connecting it directly to the pump controller.

The splice may have been faulty and allowed water to enter the connection.

Please contact us if you have any more questions or need further assistance.

With a multimeter, measure the DC voltage at the controller P+ P- terminals.

Is there a voltage reading on the multimeter?

Yes, "XX" DC volts and still no lights.

Unfortunately, your controller is damaged and needs replacing.

Please contact us or your local dealer for a replacement.

Check all connections and fix any that are bad.

Once connections are double-checked, measure the voltage at the solar array using a multimeter.

Does the pump now run after you check all connections?


Since the pump is now running, it indicates that the issue may have been related to a bad connection.

Please contact us if you have any more questions or need further assistance.

Checking Cable Splice

If you still haven't had luck running the motor, as a last resort, check the cable splice by cutting the splice off on the motor side, leaving at least 1m of pump cable, and connecting it directly to the pump controller.

The splice may have been faulty and allowed water to enter the connection.

Please contact us if you have any more questions or need further assistance.

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Warranty Claims

For Warranty claims, please contact us and return products to Waterboy Pumps for replacement. 
33 Emerald Road, Maddington, WA, 6109

Fair Dinkum Solar Pumps


Toodyay, WA, 6566

Office Number

0408 742 436

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SunPowerWA is an Approved Dealer of Waterboy Pumps – Founded in Western Australia in 1990 after the company recognised the need to develop more efficient ways of pumping water in rural and remote areas.

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